Join the Clery Legacy Society.

Make a lasting impact with a planned gift to Clery Center.

Jeanne Clery

You can help us shape a future where being safe on campus is a fundamental right for everyone. Like our founder Connie Clery says, “the best education in the world is useless if a student doesn’t survive with a healthy body and mind.”

The Clery Legacy Society is a special community of our supporters who have chosen to leave a lasting legacy through planned giving to Clery Center. Your decision to join the Clery Legacy Society ensures that Clery Center has the resources necessary to create safer campus environments in the years ahead. 

Complete the Clery Legacy Society Interest Form

Types of Planned Gifts

Anybody can make a planned gift. Planned gifts are charitable contributions that are part of your overall financial and estate plan. You don’t have to be wealthy to leave your legacy. A gift of any size helps ensure Clery Center’s future.

Common types of planned gifts include:

  • Bequest
    A donation made through your will or trust. This can be a specific dollar amount or a percentage of your estate.
  • Beneficiary designation on your retirement account
    Make Clery Center a beneficiary on your retirement plan account (such as your IRA or 401k). Most retirement plans are taxed, but a charitable donation from one is not.
  • Beneficiary designation on your life insurance policy
    Make Clery Center the beneficiary of a policy that has outlasted its original intended purpose. Instead of letting your policy lapse or cashing out and having to pay taxes, make a tax-free charitable gift.
  • Beneficiary designation on your Donor Advised Fund (DAF)
    Make Clery Center the beneficiary of your donor advised fund. You can designate that we receive a percentage or the balance of the total remaining assets in the account.

Joining the Clery Legacy Society costs you nothing now, and you can change your designation at any time.You may be able to maximize tax benefits and potentially reduce estate taxes by including charitable gifts in your estate plans.

Andy Cagnetta"I am deeply committed to supporting Clery Center because I believe in its mission. Being a friend of Jeanne's at Lehigh, I have a special connection to Clery Center and I have witnessed the transformative impact of their work in promoting transparency and accountability in campus safety. I continue to be inspired by Connie Clery and our board and staff's dedication to preventing violence and improving security for campus communities. 

By choosing to leave a planned gift, I aim to ensure that Clery Center can continue its vital work for generations to come, empowering future students to pursue their education in a safe and supportive environment. This gift reflects my enduring commitment to the values of safety, education, community well-being and, of course, in memory of Jeannie."

– Andy Cagnetta, Clery Legacy Society Member

We would love to be informed of your plan, so that we can thank you, ensure your wishes are followed, and keep you apprised of all that is happening at Clery Center. We are happy to be a resource for you as you establish your giving plans, but we strongly encourage you to contact your financial advisor and/or attorney.

To learn more about planned giving options or becoming a member of the Clery Legacy Society fill out this form, or contact Kerry Barrett at [email protected] or 484-580-8754.

Complete the Clery Legacy Society Interest Form