National Campus Safety Awareness Month Archives

Each year we develop free programs and resources that promote campus safety, choosing a relevant theme, then working to spread awareness, inform institutional policy, and effect change. Learn more about the previous years' themes and connect to the resources below.


NCSAM 2024 Virtual Summit logo

NCSAM 2024 Virtual Summit: Trials & Trends in Campus Safety

Clery Center’s 2024 National Campus Safety Awareness Month Virtual Summit, Trials and Trends in Campus Safety, delved into the contemporary challenges and innovative solutions shaping the future of safe campus communities. This year’s sessions addressed the multifaceted and broad-ranging aspects of campus safety in a rapidly changing world. As institutions navigate uncharted territory and societal shifts, we explored the way systems and strategies can create a stronger, more resilient campus, where every member of the community feels valued and protected.

Clery Center’s subject matter experts alongside leaders and stakeholders across the field of campus safety shared insights and strategies on identifying and implementing fresh approaches to foster a culture of safety and respect. View the full 2024 agenda here.

2023 NCSAM Summit Logo

NCSAM 2023 Virtual Summit: Rebuilding Safety on Campus

Clery Center’s 2023 National Campus Safety Awareness Month Virtual Summit explored how to rebuild and enhance the feeling of safety on campus in a post-pandemic culture dealing with budget cuts, mental health crises, and divergences between safety practices and public perception. We brought together higher education and campus safety leaders and stakeholders from around the country to discuss how to foster innovation, prioritize the well-being and security of campus communities holistically, address growing mental health concerns, and more via interviews, panels, and discussion groups — view the full agenda here

This year's summit also featured a Clery Center Member-exclusive pre-summit, Securing Funding for New Initiatives, with Megan S. Koeth M.P.A., M.S., Executive Director of Public Safety, Case Western Reserve University and Dr. Lynsey Listau, Executive Director, Institutional Equity & Student Conduct, Pensacola State College. This Member-exclusive workshop helped participants navigate the real challenge of fiscal austerity and shrinking budgets for universities. The National Campus Safety Awareness Month (NCSAM) Summit highlights innovative ideas, initiatives and programs, and many institutions may be struck with inspiration without the financial support needed to undertake similar endeavors. This session explored how to engage with budget managers, financial officers, and upper level administrators to help make the case for securing funding for initiatives to help rebuild a feeling of safety on campus.

2022 NCSAM Summit Logo

NCSAM 2022 Virtual Summit: Partners in Progress

Clery Center’s 2022 NCSAM Summit explored how progress is best made when collaboration with partners takes place. Whether within your own institution or working with external community organizations, partnership enables collaboration, leveraging of skills, and idea generation to collectively make change happen. 2022’s virtual summit offered insight and experience through one-on-one interviews, panels, and roundtable conversations as well as networking opportunities for attendees to begin cultivating their own partnerships. View the full 2022 agenda here.

 2021 NCSAM Summit Logo

NCSAM 2021 Virtual Summit: Meeting the Challenge of Tomorrow – Today

Clery Center’s 2021 NCSAM Summit brought together campus safety practitioners and higher education leaders from around the country to explore relevant, actionable, and scalable strategies to meet tomorrow’s most pressing campus safety challenges today. Our two-day virtual micro-summit offered unique perspective panels, cutting-edge case study analyses, and networking opportunities for individuals looking to take their professional development to the next level. View the full 2021 agenda here.


2020 NCSAM Logo

NCSAM 2020: The Same, Yet Different

In the wake of COVID-19 and an advancing civil rights movement, institutions around the nation were reaffirming their commitments to campus safety. As communities wrestled with a new normal, the Clery Act remained the same— a call to action. In September 2020, Clery Center  highlighted how the Clery Act can serve as a guidepost, centering conversations around personal and campus safety following the historic events of 2020. Whether examining the increase in reports of intimate partner violence during lockdown, or the uptick in hate crimes and bias-related incidents, the Clery Act can serve as the barometer to examine campus climate. There is little doubt that 2020 will go down in history. Campus safety professionals nationwide joined us to explore the Clery Act’s continued relevance as we entered a fall semester that was the same, yet very different.  

NCSAM 2020 Resources:

Listen to the NCSAM 2020 Podcasts

2019 NCSAM Logo

NCSAM 2019: Bridging the Gap

Understanding what you are required to do or recommended to do is different from being able to actually do it. When it comes to campus safety prevention and response, multiple voices and perspectives sharing what must or should be done can confuse what is actually required or how to best implement those requirements. Similarly, it can be difficult to create buy-in at an institution for support in campus safety work when questions about requirements or best practices are left unresolved or unanswered.

During National Campus Safety Awareness Month 2019 Clery Center provided multiple professional development opportunities through webinars, resources, and tools that clarify areas of campus safety prevention and response work that are commonly confused or misunderstood. From sharing strategies about dating violence prevention to distinguishing the differences between timely warnings and emergency notification, to explaining what a biennial review actually is, this NCSAM we focused on supplying answers that provide greater understanding of Clery Act requirements and strategies for implementing those requirements as well as other aspects of campus safety. The key to effectively addressing campus safety is to bridge the gap between theory or requirements and practice. Use 2019’s resources and strategies to enhance your own understanding of current campus safety best practices and improve your own prevention and response procedures.  

NCSAM 2019 Resources:

NCSAM 2019 Webinars:

NCSAM Content Usage Guidelines

As a national nonprofit, Clery Center strives to make many of its resources and programs free of cost and available to the public. If you would like to use or share any of these resources, please read our usage guidelines.