Photo: President Barack Obama signing into law the most recent amendments to the Clery Act (the Violence Against Women Act, also known as VAWA) in 2013. Clery Center & Public PolicySince the 1990 passage of the Clery Act, Clery Center has worked with lawmakers to advance campus safety policy and help our nation’s colleges and universities meet evolving compliance standards. As a result, we offer unique insight into the requirements of the legislation. Photo: Connie & Howard Clery (right) with George H.W. Bush. Clery Center’s Current Policy AgendaSince its founding in 1987, Clery Center has engaged with policymakers in recognition of the significant impact that could result from legislation: driving systemic change on college campuses. Building on this history and experience we share our 2021-2020 public policy agenda to inform and guide all our constituents about our advocacy priorities over the next two years as we work to advance equity in campus safety legislation in alignment with our organizational mission of working in partnership with colleges and universities to create safer campuses. Title IXWhile serving separate and distinct functions, Title IX and the Clery Act share some of the same goals—namely to create equitable and transparent processes for responding to violence and crime on campus. Unfortunately, the 2020 Title IX regulations prescribe complicated, confrontational disciplinary procedures that do not meet this goal. Through identifying these areas and working with other nonprofit organizations advocating on behalf of survivors, we hope to correct these inequities with regulations that better serve both survivors and respondents. Federal Hazing legislationFor over a decade, Clery Center worked closely with partner organizations and legislators to champion the passage of the Stop Campus Hazing Act (SCHA) (S.2901, H.R.5646) in order to standardize requirements at the federal level for hazing prevention and response efforts on campuses nationwide. SCHA passed into law on December 23, 2024 and is a crucial step towards eradicating hazing on college campuses and ensuring the safety and well-being of students. This bipartisan, evidence-informed legislation is supported by national campus safety experts, national fraternity and sorority trade associations, and the parents of hazing victims. Read our blog, A Historic Step Forward: The Stop Campus Hazing Act Becomes Law, to learn more about the history and passage of SCHA. Hate CrimesClery Center is working to educate lawmakers on the need for consistency in documenting and collecting information on hate crimes on college campuses by the Department of Education, FBI, and state and local governments. Handbook for Campus Safety & Security ReportingThe rescission and replacement of the 2016 Handbook for Campus Safety and Security Reporting with the much less robust Clery Act Appendix, removed a key resource for Clery Act compliance. The Handbook was developed in response to persistent requests from campus safety administrators for further clarification, guidance, and examples of how to best implement Clery Act requirements. While the Handbook was not a binding document, it served as an accessible, comprehensive resource for the hundreds of front-line administrators often acting as a department of one to ensure their institution’s compliance with a law tied to federal funding. Clery Center intends to advocate for improved sub-regulatory guidance on the Clery Act from the Department of Education; educate policymakers about the implications of the Interim Final Rule on Rulemaking and Guidance Procedures; and strategically monitor and respond to proposed legislation and reforms that directly impact implementation of the Clery Act.